What happens at a consult

The first consult is usually around 60-90 minutes. Questions about main complaint and various aspects of general health will be addressed as well.

Why do we do this? For example, your main complaint is a headache. By asking many questions and assessing the case, it aids in finding the cause, and therefore treating accordingly. Headaches are caused by many factors- dehydration, excessive sun, hormonal imbalances, sinusitis-related headaches, emotional causes, etc. So the more information that’s given, the easier it is to administer the correct remedy/remedies. In this way, to find and aid balancing where there’s excess or deficiency of something.

Also remember, as mentioned before, homeopathy is about individualisation. Your headache may present with pain behind the left eye, radiating to the forehead, going behind the head, etc, while the next person has a headache so bad he cannot tolerate light- each persons individual picture is taken into account and treated accordingly.

Then the relevant physical examination will be conducted. (Eg, abdominal exam if tummy is the main complaint), together with asssessing vitals, such as blood pressure, heart rate, etc

You may be sent for blood tests or x-rays if required. (Not at the consult, but at the relevant labs)

Once the case is assessed, the remedies (oral drops, tablets, syrups, homeopathic injections, or merely just advice) will given to you will be that of a well-formulated plan in order to give you the best restoration we can.